Gosh hasn't the time gone quickly! Can't believe it is all over for another year,it doesn't seem long since we put them up. We have said that we will put them up a bit earlier next year to get more benefit from them.
All packed away for another year, the ornaments off the trees, and the wreaths off the doors and so on. It is pretty much a day's work putting them up and taking them down, but VT has it off to a fine art now, and bosses me round spmething terrible! I just let him get on with it..bless him.
Had a bit of very sad news today. Received a letter handwritten which is unusual these days, and Vt opened it. It was from someone whowas related to an old friend from schooldays.We had been at primary school together, Vaughan House a convent in freshfield, and gone on to secondary school together. She was just a year below me in school. Pat lived one stiop down the line, so we used to get the train together, there and back, for all of our school years, and always kept in touch at Christmas. I actually hadn't noticed that we didn't get a card last year, and sent mine as usual this year. The letter said that she had died on St. georges day 2008. What a shame...RIP Pat..I shall miss our exchange of cards. The last one I remember said that she was looking forward to retirement from the Care Home that she worked in, and apparently that was where she died. I am absdolutely thunderstruck with this news, it seems such a shame.
It's odd how your Christmas card list alters year by year for one reason or another. I certainly didn't expect that.
The cats have had a good time today ferreting about in the boxes, and Rusty has had a good time chasing the dangly decorations. The house looks really bare now,
Tonight we are having:
Quorn chicken style pie
potato Croquwettes
Mixed vegetables.
Mushroom gravy.
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