One of those days when we stayed in and did bits and bobs. Vin had some banking he wanted to do, and we madee tonight's tea this morning too. We did a lovely kedgeree which we haven't had for an age. Must make one for Jane when she comes home it's one of her favourites. We don't make it with smoked haddock though we use Quorn chicken style pieces and get a great result.
The cats stayed in a lot today too, must still be too cold for them outside. can't help thinking of poor little Rusty six years ago when she was missing. She must have been so frightened because they are both home birds really.
Had a lovely long bath this afternoon with the book, candles and my tiny little bar of chocolate, only a teeny weeny toblerone tiny bar..not too sinful, but a bit indulgent.
I'm reading the Hamish Mcbeth books at the moment. very entertaining but not great literature..but who cares. Good to go to sleep with at night.
Said on the news that harry rednapp had been found Not Guilty of tax evasion. How does he get away with that when I have to pay tax on my little piddly pension. makes you cross.
Jane hasn't rung up today it is her day off too, so she would be working and doing her bits and bobs. She really is working very hard i'm proud of her.
Just played an Adele record on the radio. Some stupid german Fashion designer is in trouble for calling her fat!!!! She is gorgeous. If I looked like her and had her voice I would be well chuffed. he can talk he looks like an old prune!! leave her alone.
Tonight we are having:
Kedgeree with a little bit of garlic bread.
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