Got up from the breakfast table this morning to get some stuff put away, put little Rusty's saucer of cat milk down for her, moved back, and must have trodden on Bobby's paw or something. i only had my slippers on, and she was on the carpet, but she let out such an almighty screech it nearly deafened us. poor little thing..I just hate doing that, but I didn't ssee her at all. I generally look round, but she was waiting for Rusty to finish her milk, so was at the back of me.
makes you feel so guilty, I wouldn't hurt the cats for anything. Vin of course makes the most of it, and keeps asking Bobby how her poorly paw is getting on!! How on earth can people be cruel to cats? they are so trusting, and by lunchtime she was letting me stroke her back as usual.
Went off to crosby this morning for a quick whizz round Sainsbury's for the weekly things. Some quite good offers too, and the Easter Eggs have now replaced the valentine's things. how the supermarket march on.
just starting to rain when we came home, and we had just got in when the post arrived. Jane had sent us a parcel on Thursday and kept asking us had it arrivved. Well it did this morning, a jiffy bag with a bag of dark chocolate herschey's Kisses in it. Bless her, she had seen them in the big ASDA that she goes to, thought we would like them and got them for us. We used to get big bags of them when we were in America at Wal-Mart, and they were really cheap there. Aaah she's a good girl.
Funny thing as I was typing this she rang up and we were having a bit of a chat. She said she has a sore throat, so is going to get herself dosed up, but doesn't want to take time off work. Horrible time of the year to be going out to work with a sore throat.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and broccoli escalope,
Mushroom sauce,
Carrots and beans,
Baby potatoes squashed and baked.
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