The plan is that we go to the Library which is a short walk from the Dentists and get some new books. To our shame it appears that it is a year since our last visit to the Library as well!!! Since we renew our books online these days we don't tend to make the journey there, plus we buy a lot of books too, or Vin gets them from Charity shops so we don't have the need to go there in person as it were.
First surprise...we drove into the car park which is usually heaving to find it empty!! Vin got out to see if the Library was was...then he spotted a parking machine!! What is that about? Suppose it is to stop people parking there all day. Well it's done that alright, there were only around four cars on the whole park. And, the Library was extremely quiet. Unaturally so. Shot themselves in the foot there I think, it has obviously stopped people going into the Library. Apparently they were installed at the end of November, so we hadn't been aware of that. You get 1/2 an hour for 20p but we knew we were going to be longer than that, so paid 80p for the longer period! Personally i think that's a disgrace, doesn't give you long enough to browse and will stop people going to the library it seems.
Anyway, i went inside and Vin went off to his dentist for his checkup. I had a good look at the Large Print books, then he joined me later. he likes Local History books from there, so chose some of those and we left to come home for our coffee.
Jane rang up at lunchtime, to have a chat. She is doing very well with her science course (Touch Wood) and is getting distinctions for her exams. She is very short of money though, and she has to pay back some overpaid tax credits that she got last year!!! poor kid, she is really trying at the moment, all day a college and working evenings at Ticket master too. no wonder she is knackered she says.
Vin has set me up with online banking this afternoon. really quick to do only took a short while, and when I get something called a card reader i can set up a standing order to help her out a bit.
She says she is going round tesco with ten pounds in her pocket looking for bargains. Oh dear!
Bobby has just come into the room where the computer is and given me a lovely nuzzle and butt of her head. She is a real home loving cat and likes her ciddles just as much a Rusty Bless her.
Rusty tends to be more openly affectionate but bobby will choose her moments too, then you feel very honoured.
Vin has just stuck his head round the room door and made me jump sky high. Sort of crept up on me, being deaf i don't hear him so he often makes the most of that.
Our john's birthday today. Happy Birthday John. I hope he is warmer where he is than we are today. it is very hot in Perth according to the papers. freezing here today. very frosty this morning and took ages to clear up.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta bake with mushrooms
Pack of mixed green veggies
A bit of garlic bread.
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