Tuesday 12 June 2012

In Which Vin Does gardening...

He took himself off to Sainsbury's this morning to get some veggies etc for the rest of the week. On the way back he went to the garden centre to get some plants for the barrel at the front of the house. We are late doing that this year, it is usually done sort of late May, but here we are in the middle of June, and he's just put them in. I couldn't go with him due to my dodgy health at the moment, but he came back with some nice Cinneraria and some geraniums for the middle. Looks lovely now. last year everything went very leggy, because of the weather we had, wonder what will happen this year? In the lap of the gods as they say. Very mixed day today. a bit sunny and a bit overcast, but for those down South it looks like it is rain, rain, and more rain! pictures of flooding in the papers today, which look pretty horrendous. price to be paid for living near a river i suppose. Tonight we are having: Escalope of some sort, baby jersey Royals which vin got for half price.. Mixed veg and a hollandaise sauce.

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