Wednesday 29 May 2013

Slow Today!!

This computer has the gremlins today..really bad, and so slow to respond.. I have just typed a load of this post and then it disappeared..just like that! lord knows where.
Washing day today, we stripped the bedding once Bobby had moved. You don't dare move a cat once it is settled they look so comfy and peaceful so you leave them. She did move eventually so we moved quickly and got the sheets off.
Went to crosby today to get our weekly veggies and a few other things, and had a look round the new look Sainsburys. it is quite a small store by their standards but the have enlarged it a lot, and reorganised it so that it looks quite a lot bigger. Didn't have tim,e to have a good browse because we were on the free 1/2 hour parking but I was quite impressed with the new layout. At least the Quorn and veggie things are easier to see now instead of being stuck behind a pillar! Got our usual veggies, at least Vin knows where everything is which saves time,
This is continued the next day!!
Can't remember what else I wrote because everything disappeared and neither Vin or I could retreive it. So we gave it up in the end!
Last night we had:
broccoli and cheese escalope
baby Jersey Royals...yummy!!
Carrots for moi and broccoli and cauliflower for Vin
Chhesey sauce.

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