Tuesday 15 January 2008

Books Day..

Very dark and grey today..no change there then, so we decided to go to the library. We had renewed the books but they needed changing, I had a lot of large print books that were largely rubbish, and not worth reading. I have some new ones that I hope are better.
VT forgot his wallet so didn't have his library card..silly boy, so I had to put his on mine. He insisted he only wanted one book!!! normally he gets a bag full!
We then stopped at Crosby for a few bits and pieces,he wanted to get some batteries, and I had a look at farmfoods. It is a really cheap shop actually..3 cans of Lucozade for £1 and 5 cans of Pepsi Max for £1.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta Bake 4oz with a Puy Lentil Sauce,
Asparagus, mushrooms and peas.
Maybe broccoli.

Last night by the way we had a Linda McCartney Pie, and smashed potatoes, with carrot and swede.

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