As I type this, one of the little cats is in the basket in front of the window, all curled round and fast asleep full of chicken. The other little cat is all curled up and fast asleep full of chicken and cat milk on a blanket on the bed behind me. The pair of them sleep on in blissful ignorance of the fact that they should be in "Sunnyview Cattery" today and for the next ten days. VT keeps saying things like..there;s a nice sunnyview out of the window..aaah bless them.
He rang the cottages this morning and spoke to beth, who said they had let little Paradise to someone who was working in the area and didn't want to stay in a hotel, so they had let it for the whole period via the tourist information office. So that was good, they will probably end up with more money in the end.
We should be going tomorrow morning, but I think this year it would have been a mistake really.
We did the kitchen floor this morning and cleared up the middle room a bit, almost like getting ready for going away too. Never mind these things happen.
VT has been doing bits and pieces today sorting out things and making phone calls.
Tonight we are having:
Mashed potato,
carrot and Swede,
Sausages..Quorn ones.
Maybe a drop of gravy.
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