Jane rang up last night and said that she had a bone to pick with me because I had posted a rubbish picture of her. trouble is we don't have a lot of pictures of her, and she hides her face. Don't know why she is lovely.
All the radio shows today are not normal, they are all playing records with donations for Children in Need. Actually they are playing quite good music, a lot of old favourites.Just heard a Neil Diamond which immediately reminded me of our travels in the Morris traveller.
VT went into Crosby this morning mainly to get some photos printed off, which he did and sent some to Emma. Little Maisy is a big 1 today, doesn't time fly. He also got some bags of fuel from the garage..pity you can't get it delivered. Wonder if there are any coalmen left these days. We always used to have ours delivered, cheaper prices in the summer, and wet coal in the winter.
Haven't done much today..again.. VT has done some planting in the garden though it's getting quite dark now 4.15ish. Weather here is a bit blowy but reasonably mild. However up North in Cumbria they are haveng a very difficult time of it. Big flooding in Cockermouth, Kendal and Keswick with eight inches of rain falling in a few hours. The pictures of the flooding on the TV are terrible, it must be heartbreaking for the home owners, five feet of water in their living rooms. Poor Gordon, another lot of flooding to blight his reign.
VT said the ditches round here are quite full, and we haven't had much rain either.
Tonight we are having:
Maybe a garlic Kiev
Carrots and peas,
A few chips VT has lost quite a bit of weight over the last few weeks, must be smaller meals, and less dips and things at the weekend. Can't say I have my appetite back yet , but eating a reasonable evening meal. I have lost about half a stone, mainly due to the Horlicks and digestive biscuit diet. Not really to be recommended though.
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