VT is presently in the garden doing a bit of clearing up. He says quite a lot of the plant pots have been damaged by the frost this year..we haven't had that for a long time. Not a bad thing though, we have an awful lot of pots in the back garden.
Every New Year at the stroke of midnight we take a picture..it is a sort of tradition in our house.VT uses the timer then runs to the sofa for the picture. it is always a laugh because neither of us are really smiling because we are both waiting for the flash to go off.VT has a nice dram of whisky here, and this year i have a glass of Lucozade!! probably why i am looking so miserable. We have about thirty odd of these pictures..they would probably look quite interesting if they were all put together in a sort of timeline.
I had always thought that this blog must be the least viewed in the whole of cyberspace, but lo and behold i find it listed on another that I look at frequently. Wonder how on earth it got there? I started this on the day that Gordon Brown became Prime Minister, mainly to keep a sort of diary of our eating plans, and a record of our healthy eating diet plan. Well, we are due for an election in the next few months. Poor Gordon has had one disaster after another, but our eating plan has proved quite successful. VT has lost a reasonable amount of weight, and I have lost about two stones together. Mind you the last few months have helped, a diet of Horlicks and M&S digestive biscuits for about two weeks saw a weight loss. VT says he is not listening to my healthy eating ideas any more because they haven't done me any good. i seem to have had one thing or another since the beginning of November, and he says "Look where all the vegetables and salads have got you"
Jane rang up today to say that she had received a letter from her solicitor. it is looking like her claim is finally coming to an end. that has been ongoing for an age, so it is good for her that she is finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.
Tonight we are having:
A common tea..
Fishless fingers,
Chips!! 200 grms between us,
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for me.
Tartare sauce.
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