All signs of snow have completely disappeared now, I looked out of the window yesterday and said to VT there was still a bit on top of the shed in the Dentists garden, but he informed me that it was white plastic!! Should have gone to Specsavers!
Yesterday we did gits and pieces, mostly washing, the bedding takes forever to dry in the tumble dryer, must get a biogger one someday. mind you at least it isn't drying round the fire like when we were kids. i can remember the clothes maiden draped with washing drying round the coal firem and having to be turned every few minutes. trouble was the fire was hidden then so you were freezing..we don't know we are born these days!
Had a lovely Ciabatta roll for lunch. We split a Ciabatta in half, spread each half lightly with pesto, and the put some sliced tomato and Mozzarella in the centre. Close it up, and lightly wrap in foil then bake in the oven for about fifteen minutes. Scrumptious, and really tasty. makes a nice change from cheese and crackers.
Last night we had:
Chinese spring rolls,
Eggfried rice and a lemon sauce.
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