This is Mrs Misery on Christmas Day 2009. Poor VT wanted a Christmas Dinner so we had one, despite him having a terrible cold. I ate about one roast potato which was very nice, but we didn't have the dinner like we normally have, and for the first time in years i didn't do our Hazelnut gateau either. never mind eh..I haven't been out of the house for an age, what with the virus thingy, and the weather, I am in danger of becoming a recluse...
We have been in the habit during the last few weeks of staying in bed later in the morning. Since we don't put our lights out until One O'Clock, we tend to wake up at about eight or nineish. Then VT gets our morning coffee and we have a bit of a chat till we get up. Yesterday and today, he went down for the papers then brought breakfast in bed. Very decadent. The trouble is the bed is so lovely and cosy and warm it is too nice to get out of. The quilt that we bought last year is proving to be a godsend, I have never paid so much for a quilt before, but we bought a Siberian goose Down one which is absolutely terrific. Very light but totally watm. luxury really. When I think back to when we were little and had umpteen layers on the bed and still you were never warm technology is good progress in this case.
Last night we had a Dr otkers pizza with mushrooms and a Waitrose salad which was really tasty.
VT reckons that the nights are drawing out a bit..maybe they are, it was still quite light at 4.15 today. There is a forecast for more snow, but it does seem to be thawing a bit here. Mind you he has just come upstairs and said that it is freezing out, when he went down the garden to get the coal, there were signs that it was freezing again.
Tonight we are having:
gruyere cheese escalopes,
Potato croquettes...just a nice simple tea tonight.
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