This was our Christmas table this year. It really loed nice, even though neither of us were in the mood for the festivities really.Poor VT had such a heavy cold, but he still had his Christmas dinner, and got the table all ready like we always do. We had a nice dinner, but we were just talking before and said that we would have to come up with something else next year for the main course. The Quorn escalopes were very dry, and needed something tastier. Maybe do a Quorn en croute with stuffing, and cranberry jelly inside. Shall have to think about that.
Today VT went into Crosby to pay some money in for Jane, She had been saying that she was a bit short and living off her overdraft so it will help her a bit. He also went to Sainsbury's to get some chicky for the cats, and a few other things that we needed.
The snow is still lingering, but it is thawing a bit off the top of the shed. The nights are drawing out a bit actually, it is twenty to five as I type this and it is still light outside. The little cats are not going out though, they are well esconsed in the house. Next doors ginger girl is out, and VT said she was sitting in our path looking at him, expecting him to open the door and let it in.
of course he can't because he doesn't have the key any more. He seems to have gone away, and she has gone to work, so the poor little thing has to wait till she gets back. They need a cat flap really.
Tonight we are having:
Something out of the freezer, Quorn style,
Carrots and green beans,
Mushroom sauce
Squashed potatoes.
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