Thursday, 11 November 2010

Blow the Wind Southerly...

As the song goes. it's blowing a gale today, the trees at the back of the house are going like mad. There is a house way over at the back which has a row of extremely tall and horrible conifers, and they are practically bending in the wind. A nice day to be in today.We didn't need to go anywhere so we didn't. Lovely to be able to have the choice.
We spent the morning getting a few things sorted for parcels for Christmas. i have a Secret Santa one to send to Spain, so have been collecting lightish things so they don't weigh too much. Got those wrapped, and luckily they have all gone in a big Jiffy Bag for onward posting tomorrow. It is quite difficult buyibng for someone you don't know, and this year we didn't have any hints or guidelines either. i bought a :
pair of Oven Gloves Christmassy ones and a set of two tea towels in the same pattern,
A silicone ice cube tray with a star pattern,
A dangly reindeer ornament from M&S with magnets in its arms and legs,
A book of Christmas Cupcakes
A tub of vanilla bean paste from Waitrose,
And a partridge in a pear tree..Not!
Hope she likes them..
I have been doing the Sourdough starter flakes too for Lynn in Scotland, and they are ready to post when VT does the photocopying of the instructions. I sent some off weeks and weeks ago and didn't hear anything from her, so just thought she was rude! No..didn't reallyf. Then she said that nothing had arrived. there must be an awful lot of lost post somewhere in this country!.I hope this lot arrives, then she can make some nice Sourdough bread in the Winter.Like This...

I have got John and Ann a few things too..A book about old Liverpool they might find interesting, A poodle key ring from Butlert and |Wilson. a little book about christmas customs and a couple of other things. Again trying to keep things light since postage is such a lot these days. Once I have finished their letter, that can go off early next week. You take your life in your hands these days sending things by mail, you can never be certain it will arrive. Our post today came a t a quarter to four in the afternoon!! That's a good service eh!
Tonight we are having:
Tivall chicken style drumsticks
Little roast potatoes
Carrots and butternut squash
Bread sauce.


Lynn said...

Rude? Moi? Sweetest wittle fluffy cuddley bunnykins moi?
Je suis devastated.
Just for that I'll take note of the senders address and sent you something back.

Lynn said...

I meant something nice -honest!!!!!!

JennyMac said...

Ha Ha Ha French speaker eh! Intelligent too..

Lynn said...

Mas non, mon aimee, un petite amount of Monsieur Poirot. Je suis chucked out pour le French class at school!!!!