The village was talking about the death of one of the parish councillors yesterday..who died in his sleep the night before. he was a founder member of "The Searchers" Needles and pins..Tony West, and used to walk past the house quite a lot with his little dog.Shame.
We seem to have been lucky with the gales last night, nothing wrong in the garden except my Buddah had blown over, but VT went and put him straight this morning.
I got him when I retired from school almost ten years ago now and he always looks lovely and smiley in the garden whatever the weather.
our next door neighbours roof aerial has blown off last night so he borrowed VTs ladders to go and mend it..I wouldn't let VT go up in this weather!! Anyway they are down now so he must have repaired it. A neighbour a couple of doors down also told us that a trampoline had appeared in his neighbours garden. Since she is well into her nineties, I don't think she will be using it any time soon.
With it being Friday, we had planned to go toOrmskirk, but that is on a hill and breezy at the best of times, so we took my money off to Waitrose in Formby instead. We said we would just get the minimum, but still ended up with a trolley full and spent more than I intend to. But who cares..we bought a few things for the Christmas box.
Sent my Secret Santa parcel off to Spain today, cost £7.30 !! that makes it expensive,hope she enjoys the things in it.
Today we are having:
fishless fingers,
Mushy peas for VT and carrots for moi,
Chips 200grms
Tartare sauce, if we have any, just remembered we forgot to get some!
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