We decided to go over to Dobbies today, mainly because Vin wanted to get some plants for the basket by our front door, which is well past its sell by date, and also an empty one by the new fence on our lovely newly painted wall at the back of the house.
I dug my very light jacket out and Vin went back to a short sleeved shirt today. What a change from the other week when it was blowy and cold and we had heaters on, and the electric blanket at night.More of the same for the rest of the week too apparently.
Reminds me of our last holiday to New England..similar weather but cold sometimes with it. Gorgeous blur skies and fantastic tree colours.
We had a bit of a look round, and finally decided on some very pretty primroses that will look lovely against the wall, and a plastic hanging basket full of little pansies in a beautiful blue colour that will go with the front door. I hat plastic pots but this was only £5.99 complete, and complete with the compost also so a good buy. Vin will take the plants out of the plastc pot, and put the whole thing in our nice woven hanging basket.
I have actually got a window open as I type this..last week I had the heater on! can't believe it really.
There was a school outing at Dobbies, nicely behaved children who were there to do and educational trip. Whiole we were having coffee though they were playing on the big wooden adventure climbing and slide apparatus they have outside. Where so they get there energy from? Spent an absolute age running round and round it was quyite surreal watching them. Then as we were getting our things to go, there they were in a lovely little crocodile two by two making their way to the double decker bus waiting outside. We followed the bus for ages too going the same way as us, so wonder where they were going.
Stopped in at Waitrose in Formby on the way back,I wanted to get a salad for tomorrow, and Vin got his fix of Cheese and Onion pasties for tomorrow night. Picked up a lovely pack of pears..the perfectly ripe ones, then Vinspotted some on the reduced section for half price. Excellent, I love a bargain.
Tonight we are having:Broccoli and cheese escalope
Squashed potatoes
Carrots and green beans.
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