Then went to Sainsburys for the weekly shop, the veggies and suchlike. I whizzed round while Vin went to the do-it-yourself shop to buy another length of copper tubing to finish the water tank. We now by the way have a roof leak, but that's a whole nother story.. Caught up with me in the store, which is useful because he remembers the few things I had the cat's chicken.God forbid we forget that!!
Home for coffee and time for Vin to start his work in the loft. He really has done a sterling job up there.
The house is still lovely and clean after our's so lovely to see the stairs without something on each step!!
This is him outside his childhood home.He was thrilled to be able to have a look round. I'll bet it seems small to them since they have a ranch house in Texas.
Went to the dentist at the appointed time, and got the tooth done. No injections or anything it is just an empty tooth case really. Had a tickle in my throat at the end, so made another appointment for a check up on 11th October. Will pay the bill then..get it back off MediCash though. That is a terrific organisation, you only pay a small ammount each month and you get money off dental treatment, glasses, in patient stays in hospital, day case stays and so on. Wellworth joining. I've been in it for years, joined at work and just kept it on.
Enjoyed Downton Abbey last night..what good television that is,
good writing and very good characters. i can feel myself getting into that again very nicely. Excellent Autumn/Winter viewing. And, a Christmas special too apparently..Lovely!!
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and Broccoli escalope,
Baby new potatoes squashed and baked.
Mixed vegetables with a white sauce and mushrooms.
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