Weather wise a very funny day, rainy and d5rizzly in parts and now clear and sunny but cold. I have decided to put my sandals away for the cooler weather , it is getting a bit cold for them now.
Vins newly painted wall looks really lovely in the sunshine, it is a creamy light yellowy colour called clotted cream which is what it says on the tin. Very pretty and cottagey. Maybe we will have to stick "Cottage" after our house name too like some of the other incomers have done..but there again maybe not!
Sad story in the news about the four Welsh miners who have lost their lives in a mining disaster. Terrible for the families. There was an item in the paper about the loss of life in mining disasters since the beginning of the nineteen hundreds..massive numbers actually. One mine in 1934 lost 435 miners!! you just can't imagine the devastation that must have caused on a town..and then there were many others with huge losses. Terrible price to pay for coal. You don't expect it these days though.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese pasties from Waitrose..well that will please Vin anyway,
Rice puddings from same store..
Easy tea tonight.
1 comment:
Hi Jenny - Vin has done a brilliant job with the wall it certainly looks good especially with the hanging baskets. I not particularly keen on nets either, have them in this house but will not have then in the new house as nobody overlooks us and our lounge is on the 1st floor at the back of the house.
Yes it has been a busy week and yes the school has come alive now that there are children walking the corridors and playing in the playgrounds. Next week, so I am told, is going to more busy as we have to two more days of intakes for the nursery and reception. So I am going to take it easy tomorrow ready for a busy week. Take care, Judyx
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