nearly..wewent out for a run this morning to get a bit of fresh air. very breezy here, you have to be extra careful with the car doorsWent over to Dobbies to get our coffees, and have a bit of a look round. Did spot some lovely crackers for the Christmas table which were all red and gold, very pretty and only £6 which I thought was very good so bought those.Vin was more down to earth and bought a bag of hardwood logs for the fire, and two pots of fruits for cheese from their food hall. I got a jar of peaches in brandy, we always have those at Christmas as a treat.We have a box upstairs in the middle room which we keep treats in and it is getting quite full now. Enough there till Easter I think.
had our coffees and Vin decided he wanted to go in the corner again! I said it feels like the naughty corner! i think it is because he doesn't want anyone to see us eating our own biscuits really!
Very sad news on the Delia website that I am a member of yesterday. One of the members of the site has passed away early yesterday morning suddenly in hospital. The thing about the site is that you do get to kniow people on it really quite well and they do become friends if you can call it that. She was a lovely witty kind woman who has gone too soon, only in her early fifties i think. She leaves a sister who will be devastated and a mother who is in a nursing home and has dementia, and who she looked after for years. everyone on the site is thoroughl7y shocked and saddened at the news. Always seems worse at this time of the year too. RIP Squeaky which was the name she used on site. Very sadkly missed.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a pea asparagus and green bean sauce
A bit of garlic bread and a bit of parmesan
A pack of mixed green vegetables to go with.
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