just had our first Carol Singers at the door..afraid we din't answer the door to kids who tend to stand there sing one awful verse of "We wish you a merry Christmas" then go....straight to the sweet shop up the road! Cynical in my old age!
The new neighbours next door have a Christmas tree in their conservatory which snows!!!!! I can't see it , but Vin says he spotted it this morning snowing. Well that's a new one on me. Don't think we will be getting ne of those somehow.
Quiet weekend really,must think about doing the Christmas cards since time is getting on now. Vin was saying this morning that it is only two weeks till Christmas Day, then it will be all over. thankfully we don't have many presents to buy, not having any family, it must be a terrible time of the year for those who are in debt or don't have nmuch money.
Vin went to Formby yesterday to get a few things that we had forgotten then over to Maghull. just about dodged the rain which was very patchy yesterday. The bag of logs that he bought from Dobbies has proved to be excellent, they are hard seasoned wood and burn beautifully.
Watched the Strictly last night and voted for jason again, but fear that he may be one of the ones to go tonight. We shall have to see. Also watched the X Factor, but not impressed at all this year, and it is the first year we haven't voted for anyone. Goodness knows who will win that.
Today he went to crosby for a few things,said it was quite quiet,but he likes a wander round and a mooch. Did our crosswords this afternoon, which weren't bad. mine had a theme of "Just a minute" the radio show, which I haven't listened to ffor years. Ah well we got there in the end.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce
portobello mushrooms pineapple, pepper for Vin and courgette for me.
egg and potato salad with avocado pear
Potato salad for moi and sweet noodle salad for Vin.
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