For the Royal Visit..Jane is coming home on Thursday as far as we can tell anyway. She has just rung up to ask if we had a spare timer switch so they can rig it up to one of their lamps because there will be a couple of days when there is no-one there. At least she is thinking of security. That is a good thing anyway.
Didn't go out today we stopped in to try and get her room sorted a bit. Did all the bedding so that will be nice and fresh, and the quilt, because the cats unfortunately treat that as their private bedding too, so that is all fresh and nice. She has just rung up actually on her way to work, then she is off for about ten days which will be a lovely break for her. I only hope her and her Dad don't start arguing, they are terrible when they get together, similar personalities I think. And..Stubborn!
She wants a Physics text book for christmas..How sad is that! but it is about £30 and she says she usus it all the time. She has a copy from the library which she keeps renewing, but if someone requests it she is snookered, and she says she will use it next year on the radiography course.I've also saved some pound coins for her in little pots so that will help a bit too I think.
Vin was going to vacuum her room, but the cats are in there so that couldn't be done, he can see the cat hairs, I can't, and miss them. I just did all the ironing, at least I can see that!
Tonight we are having:
leek and cheese escalope
Mushroom sauce,
Baby baked potatoes
Mixed vegetables.
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