Friday, 2 December 2011

out and About...

This morning we were up and at em quite early. I had an appointment at the Hearing Aid centre in Southport at 10-15 so we had to leave the house fairly early.Even so, we are always still in a rush on the last minute, there always appears to be last minute things to do. Left the house at 9-45 and were in Southport byabout 10-07 which was good going. Went along the Coast Road which is traffic light free and you get a clear run there.
Steve, the hearing aid man tweaked the sounds somewhat because I had noticed that the tone on the higher frequencies was very crackly and a bit tinny..the sound of clapping on Strictly for example sounded like someone rustling crisps in my ears. We shall have to wait till tomorrow night to see if that has improved.I hope so.Next appointment is in June which is six months off.
We had parked in the Sainsbury's car park which is just opposite the centre (shop) so we had to spend a fiver to get the parking free. We wanted a couple of things anyway that we couldn't get in ASDA so that is ok. Got some egg salads for the weekend and a stirfry and their magazine then came out.
Off to ASDA which is only five minutes up the road. Quite busy but parked near the ffront, when we got out of the car we could hear the dulcet sounds of....Christmas Carols..already and it's only the 2nd of december. The Southport Rotary Club had a float in the entrance with a Father Christmas waving to everyone. very jolly. Put some money in their box anyway, and then had "Little Donkey" ringing in my ears all round ASDA.Not my most favourite carol, but never mind it's for a good cause.
Vin went off down to the Range shop and I had a mooch round ASDA on my own, didn't spot any books that I fancied or any clothes..don't like their clothes anyway..very badly made
Thought my blood sugar was getting a bit low so went off to the Pharmacy to get some glucose tablets. Chewed two of those and was caught up by Vin who said "What are you eating?" told him and he said I can't leave you for two minutes!! What a fusspot..nice though.
Completed our shopping, then went to a quieter part of the carpark for our coffees. Spotted a car park attendant looking round a red car nearby , looked all round taking photos of it as well. Then wrote a ticket out and put it behind the wiper blade.So someone isn't going to be a happy bunny when they come back to their car. Silly really because you get two hours, and you get the money back in the store, they could have come back and got another ticket too. Vin said it is a £70 fine if you go over the time. makes a very expensive day that.
Last night in the end we had:
A crustless cheese and onion quiche from Morrisons in the freezer,
Two potato croquettes each
A small tin of spaghetti rings.

Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers with tartare sauce
Chips 200grms between us
Green beans for moi and mushy peas for Vin.

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