Fuel that is..you would be poor if you were paying for fuel these days. Coal delivery this morning £100 for five bags of smokeless fuel, mind you Vin says that has filled the bunker andwill last about six weeksish. Then there was a delivery of Peat from Hortex, two bales at £10..So the "Old man of Good King Wenceslas would need a deep pocket indeed. Mind you he would have his Winter fuel Allowance of £200 between us, it was £250 but this government took £50 off it!! I blame David Cameron..I bet he doesn't have to worry about the heating in his flat or houses!
Vin nipped out to Crosby this morning to get the cats their chicken because they had run out.
Jane has just rung up..a much happier bunny, because she has a new pair of trainers, she got them from the sports shop..Adidas and they were only £25. so at least she hasn't got a hole in her shoe tonight!
Quick note tonight because I was late starting..
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a pour over spinach and ricotta sauce
Vegetables to go with it,
A bit of garlic bread.
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