Absolutely horrible day here today, very cold and miserable and wet and blowy. vin dodged the showers and went to Homebase to get some foam to draughtproof the extension. he says there is a draught where the ceiling meets the brickwork, so he is fixing that. Mr Fixit is off again Bless him.
The bit he is doing is the top of the bricks where they join the ceiling. these are my Clarice Cliffe plates (reproduction) which I love.
of course on the way back he went into Waitrose to get two of his favourite pasties for tomorrow night!!They didn't have any yesterday when we went and he saw that as a tragedy. he does love his pasties...vegetarian of course.
Jane rang up this morning too, she was on her way home to do her biology assignment which is due in, and she said that she had got %86 on her Physics exam which was a Distinction and the one she was really worried that she had failed. So although she was tired she was a happier bunny.
Posted john and Anns parcel yesterday and it was £16 to post! We sent a card and letter, a calendar Thomas Kinkade one.. a DVD of Downton Abbey the second series, and the latest Susan Boyle CD. A little christmas ornament and two Hamish McBeth books. So, quite a haul. i wonder how hot it is over there/ probably in the nineties. can't imagine Christmas in all that heat somehow, but I suppose it's what you are used to.
Tonight we are having:
Something out of the freezer
A pack of nmixed vegetables
8oz of potatoes between us squashed.
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