Today we have spent the best part of the day putting the Christmas decorations up in the house. Vin does all the heavy work getting the trees down and hanging stuff up. and I do the fiddly things like decorating the trees. We have three altogether. one in the extension, one in the middle room and one in the front room in the bay window which can be seen from outside, and looks really nice with the candle arch in the upstairs window.I think we have put them up earlier than last year so we will get longer out of them. We have collected decorations over the years, and have some really nice ones now. i love the trees when they are up.
Jane has just rung up on her way to work, she says it is raining and freezing cold there and she is shattered. She's been doing an assignment, has had a full day at college, then is doing a full shift at Ticketmaster. Good news though ...she has passed her Physics exam which she was really worried aboutso that is good. her next lot of exams are in January so she has a bit of leeway now, but she has two assignments to do over Christmas which is a shame. never mind, like she says it isn't long now.
Parcel arrived from Australia this morning, so we need to get theirs posted soon, probably tomorrow.I hope they like what we have got them I think they wuill enjoy the Downton Abbey DVD series two that we got. There is a two hour special on Christmas day of that..wonderful. And, a Poirot on Boxing day so that's good viewing. looking forward to those. Vin got the big Christmas TV mag this morning when he went for the paper..costs a fortune too.
Tonight we are having:
Lamb style grills done in the oven in a gravy,
Little boiled potatoes or maybe mashed ones
Carrot batons
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