Monday 11 June 2018

Lovely and Warm !

Another very nice day today. Sunny and bright and quite close as well.  We get all the sunshine at the back of the house in the afternoon so it gets fairly warm, almost too hot to be outside. 
Vin has gone into the garden to do a few bits and bobs , he is trying to sort his solar lights out and has got rid of a fair number. They seem to get water logged so they are no use really. He came back from crosby yesterday with a new set of ice-lolly ones which are really very pretty, and only 2.99 so even if they only last a year they are worth it. 
Jessie has been round and about today. She had to be let in at lunchtime again. I said she was spoilt,  he said she is still learning! She did lie down on the floor and let him brush her all over. He got a fair bit of hair from her so hopefully that willprevent a hairball ! 
I like this one waiting for Daddy. 

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