Saturday 23 June 2018

Yesterday's Post !

Today, Saturday for a change.  Reason is that by the time we got back from Aintree and had a bit of lunch neither of us felt like moving so we didn't. It is the getting up early that does it, we ain't used to it!
It was a ten o'clock appointment at Aintree so it was an early get up to begin with, got there on time and then waited for about forty minutes before going in with Jo. It was a day to see the Dr., and also to take my orthoepaedic shoes to make sure that they fit correctly. There was a trainee orthotist in the room with us to start with, very fit he was too! Jo, and a Doctor who arranged for an x=ray to make sure everything is going well. Room was packed for a time, so many people looking at my little tootsies. Finally left there with my left shoe re-instated and a podiatry shoe on the other. Off to x-ray then home again. We did go via the Costa coffee shop in the retail park first though where Vin had a nice coconut latte and I had a flat white.  Really nice they were too. 
Then home. Bit of lunch and Vin had a nice doze in the afternoon which he needed after getting up early with the cat! 
Watched the final of Countdown which was one of the best we have seen in years, and the right one won a lad called Zarte, the first winner in a wheelchair I should think. Well done Zarte.
Little Jessie had not moved I don't think from when we left the house till when we came home again. She clearly had a nice little nap without being disturbed. 
Home again with my Daddy !  

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