Thursday 28 June 2018

What a Relief!

Monday was the Diabetic clinic, went very well absolutely no problems at all . That was good.  Tuesday was a free day which was good because it is so hot at the moment you don't want to go anywhere. Yesterday it was the weekly visit to the podiatry clinic all good on that front too, foot redressed and the other one which is in shoe and slipper is doing fine so that was great. 
Today was a visit to the dentist. I have had a loose tooth at the back left of my mouth which has been niggling away for months and months. kept putting it off and off  until it was getting really bad, so went and made an appointment with the dentist for a look see. That was today and when he saw it he decided it had to come out. I wasn't complaining about  that. The worst thing was the injections actually, the tooth came out very easily, must have been hanging in there. Bye bye tooth !
Really scorching today again. Last night was terrible so uncomfortable really warm you couldn't get cool at all. Even with both windows open there was no breeze to cool the air.  Much the same today I don't think it is quite so blazing but still very warm indeed. Probably in for another warm night tonight. 
Little Jessie has mostly been in the front room while it is hot.  Vin said she was out for a bit this morning but is now in the front room.  He says she doesn't like noises so anyone mowing a lawn  would send her flying in.  Even birds squawking verhead would frighten her. Aaah!
Little prowl in the sunshine ! 

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