Monday, 28 June 2010

Football all Over..

Great..Good That's terrific news. Now we will get a breather from the so called beautiful game! God knows where they got that name from, it's anything but beautifyul.
Went to the Dr's this morning. Had an appointment for a review at 9 o'clock.Got there about five to and waited about ten minutes. VT parked the car in Sainsbury's car park and came over to join me. She went over the medications I was on, and increased my Primadone to half a tablet instead of a quarter. I mentioned something else i was concerned about, and she asked me some questions then suggested a referral elsewhere. Came out with a load of prescriptions and went to Sainsburys for oyur veggies.Got round there quite quickly actually, and were home by ten o'clock.
VT let the ginger girl out early this morning,and there was no sign of her when we got home, but she had drunk nearly half her water. He always makes sure that there is water for her in our garden, but next doors don't seem to bother leaving anything. Poor little thing, she is a lovely little cat, and our two don't mind her at all, but they don't like ginger B****cks from next door the tother side. he is a bit of a bully that one and chases ours. He goes in the front garden sometimes which our two don't, and he is not too bad out there, but he is trouble when in the back garden. He is called Tom and is a real ginger tom too. The ginger girl is actually called "Cat" but they think she is a boy. He said over the fence one day, when he whad heard me saying..hello pretty girl..that Jan says all ginger cats are boys. They aren't as it happens, but one in three are girls. We had a ginger girl once called Jemima. we got her from an animal rescue, but she was a really tiny little thing, and she had epil;epsy.We had her for quite a long time, then she went missing one day, and we never saw her again. I often wonder what happened to her. We think she had an epileptic fit and didn't recover, but we never found out.
Jane rang up twice today, the first time she was on her lunch break, and the second she was going home because they were quiet so she took her holiday and had the afternoon off. She had her medical appointment last week amd wasn't too happy about that. The appt was for four, then he changed it to five, so they got there by four thirty. to find he was in theatre, and wouldn't be available till six!! So they went out, and came back at six..he eventually came at six thirty. She said it was a very cursary examination, asked her a few questions then said she could go. She said she was only about ten-fifteen minutes. What a shame, because they had made a real effort to get there too. Hope it all goes her way now.
Tonight we are having:
An escalope,
Sliced and fried potatoes,
vegetables mixed.

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