Awoke fairly early so decided to go over to Walton to the Sainsburys there. the nearest one to us is in Crosby, and it is so tiny if you get two trolleys up an aisle there is a gridlock. The Walton one is a really good size, and the parking is easy. Next door there is a Next outlet store, and we went in to have a look today. VT was looking for a new hat for the garden, the one he had fell to pieces last year. They didn't have any, but he did spot some socks! last of the big spenders my VT. I had a quick look around, saw some dreadful clothing, very badly made and had a look at the home and wear section. I was looking out for a new sheet for the bed to go under our cotton sheets, but they only had bed sets.
Went to Sainsburys for our weekend things, and there is football stuff everywhere..yawn yawn.. football products and beer promotions.. Awful. Roll on Wimbledon.
Home for lunch and football on the news as well!! it seems that there is going to be no escape from it at all for the next few weeks.

The babies are waiting for us when we get home. it could be that it has something to do with the fact that they get a bit of chopped chicken every day at about 1.20..Now they are both asleep. Bobby is outside with VT and Rusty is upstairs with me all curled up on Jane's bed.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Beans for moi and mushy peas for VT
Chips 200 grms.
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