Wednesday, 23 June 2010

They've Got Me!!

VT has been getting at me for absolutely ages to go and get my prescription review done. He goes over to the chemist to get all my pills (Bless him) and for a long while there have been big notices on my repeat prescriptions to go for a review. Don't like going there so put it off ..but no longer. Phone call this morning from the surgery, that they have heard from the hospital after my clinic visit on Monday, and I have a prescription for antibiotics to collect, so I made an appointment for Monday to go..9o'clock. That should keep him happy for a bit now!
We were intending to go to the garden centre to get our free coffees for June this morning, but I said we could do with some more veg for the next couple of days. The stuff we got on Monday from Sainsbury's was dreadful..they hardly had any stock. I wish there was a good farm shop near to us, with decent fruits and vegetables.. like the one at Farrington Gurney near Bath that we go to when we are on holiday. That is a lovely farm shop with loads of interesting produce..nothing like that round here unfortunately.
England's big match this afternoon, at the time of typing they are 1-0 up. God help us if they get through to the next's bad enough as it is.
We went to Waitrose this least they have good veg, even if it is expensive. got a few more basics, and a nice salad for tea. I have an avocado pear left from the weekend so will use that up. Got the cats some chicken, so they will be happy, and came home for coffee.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion quiche..
Egg and potato salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes,
Coronation rice salad.

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