VT was sorting out a load of newspapers and magazines this morning and has a huge big pile of them to go to the recycling bins. He came back saying the plastic one was full, and wouldn't take any more. Suppose it's all those big plastic bottles for soft drinks. Mind you we go through a few of those in a week, with diet lemonade and bottled water.VT likes the sparkling water with his spritzer.I have diet lemonade with mine. Gone are the days when we used to have a glass of wine or two with our evening meals, now it is a dribble at the bottom of the glass!
I did a pile of ironing this morning, chiefly the bedding. That takes a lot of ironing, but it is worth it for the luxury of Egyptian cotton on the bed. The only disadvantage is that you don't want to get up in the morning!
I got an email this morning from Lynn of Lynns cooking Blog. It was about my Sourdough, which is funny because I was just thinking about my starter last night watching a programme about a bakery in London. I don't do as much Sourdough making in the warmer weather, and it is easy to forget the starterm and to keep it going. So i took it out of the fridge and it is quite vinegary, so have put some flour and bottled water ito that and will see how that goes. I've also begun another lot with some starter flakes that I had kept so will get those going in a couple of days. I love making Sourdough actually, and there are so many really nice breads that you can make.
I tend to make a normal loaf mainly because we like to use the bread for sandwiches and toast, and the round loaves don't suit us. When I get the starter flakes going again I will send her some with the information, and away you go.
VT is in the garden this afternoon while the rain keeps off, it is the green bin this week, and he likes to get it used.
Tonight we are having:
Lamb grills (Quorn)
Mashed potatoes Madeira wine gravy,
Cabbage in a creamed sauce with mushrooms.
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