I woke up at five o'clock this morning convinced it was seven and time to get up to take Rusty to the vetsfor eight.
Couldn't get back to sleep again, too many things going round my brain, just silly things but stopped me from sleeping. So we didn't sleep in anyway.
Tale of two tests..as VT says..
One.. A blood sample is taken..followed by a urine test, ears dewaxed, temperature,weight and heart tested. All in a quarter of an hour.results of blood test back within a day.Prescription given and thyroid tablets obtained.
Two..Blood test taken at a separate clinic after a two week wait for an appointment. results back within two weeks.
Difference..One was done on our cat.. the other done on me!!!
Maybe we should all enrol at a vets surgery!
Further to the problem outlined yesterday with our GP's surgery. it transpires that our next door neighbours have had the same letter, so it must be everyone from Hightown.VT has been over to the surgery in the village which actually is just a short walk away and got a practice leaflet and could have filled in forms straight away, but we will think about it a bit first. Probablu end up there in the end though. No room for sentimentality in the present NHS these days.
Gosh it's been a liong day today with getting up early. Do have to say I'm not a morning person at all, don't really do mornings!
Tonight we are having:
Stilton and pear chutney tarts
A small pack of green mixed vegetables
Squashed baked potatoes with salt and rosemary.
hope you both get on well with your blood tests :)
Was reading your post yesterday about your doctors!!! one elderly gentleman we know went to his doctors and was told that he had been removed because he had been in the last two years!!!
I know the feeling well about waking early in the morning and it's normally the cats who wake me!! to go out and then meow because they want to come back in :) lol but where would we be without out dear pets?
I have a day in today with the intention of catching up on housework - haven't done much yet to busy doing other trivals things - but 'hey' there's always tomorrow for housework? take care. Judith
ps - one of the trival things is starting another blog!!! normally I would post comments from 'precious moments'.
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