Thursday, 10 February 2011

Changed Plans...

Today we had planned to go to Southport on the train since we both have free passes. However, at about six o'clock or thereabouts the two cats decided to go walkabout. One...Bobby jumps on the bed with a big wallop, she is the bigger cat, crawls up to me and gives me the whisker torture. lovely, but not exactly what you want at that time of the morning. The other..little Rusty had been wobbling on my hip for some time before that, jumps off everyt time I move a leg, then comes back on me. They never go on VT in the morning, which is a bit silly since he is the one that feeds them! So I wake up, go along to the bathroom and that wakes VT up who does the same. It is too early to get up of course, neither of us are early risers anyway, so we settle down for another snooze...Ha!!! three hours later we eventually move.
So, it was too late to go to Southport, but no matter we can go again.
I did a big bathroom clean and VT sorted out next door with the little cat there. It has been such a good cat, beautifully behaved, and has only ben out one night in all of the eight weeks he has been looking after it. I wonder what is going to happen to her, poor little thing, at lerast it has been looked after really well. VT is a very good "Concierge"
Tonight we are having:
Left over vegetables,
Cheesey kievs and mnushrooms
Sliced potatoes..8oz.

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