Sunday, 20 February 2011

It's The weekend...

Don't they come round quickly, here it is the last days before return to school after the half term holidays. I used to hate that time, the feeling of dread before you went back to the rigours of exam work etc.The rush to cram things into the last couple of days, and the horrible early mornings which I really used to hate.
It is truly lovely not having the pressure of all that, and to be able to do what you want.
Saturday was cold again with snow in some areas of the must be awful to live somewhere like buxton, they are always in the news with blocked roads. Even colder today Sunday..VT just nipped out to crosby to get a few things he wanted, the cats are nmainly stay at homes, curled up in one or other of their places in the house. Next doors cat went out when he went to Crosby but soon wanted to go back in again. When she came back last weekend she turned the heating off which was only on very low, and VT says it is really cold in there. However it is inside and safe and a lot warmer than it would be outside. Not as lucky as our two though poor little thing.
We did the washing today, and the crosswords this afternoon. They were a bit tricky today actually, mine had a racecourse theme, and one of the clues was exactly the same which is odd. The name of an opera singer who was born in New Zealand. Well who could forget Dame Kiri singing at Charles and Dianas wedding in that hat with all the feathers on? What a spaectacle! VT had to look up her name because we weren't sure that it was Te kanawa or Ta was the former. he found a quote from her which said that Susan Boyle was a Whizz Bang performer..and Andrea bocelli wasn't a proper opera singer. I thought she was a bit niocer than that!.
Tonight we are having:
our Pizza with our new batch of tomato sauce
Mushrooms meatfree sausage and pineapple
potato salad for me and rice salad for Vt
egg and potato salad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we start half term here tomorrow and, so far, we've had a lot of rain - hopefully, by tomorrow it will clear up a bit!! Nigel & Karl are away in the morning taking 30 kids on a trip for 5 days so I should have some peace and quiet!! :)) take care, Judyx