Nipped out today mainly because VT wanted to get a car wash. His car was filthy, but the bad weather has put him off getting one till today. it was quite a nice dry day today, and definitely not as cold as it has been. I put a slightly thicker jumper on today, and was a bit too warm actually, but I won't be putting my wintery things away just yet though.
After the car wash and dose of petrol...which is getting to be a horrendous price, we went along to Dobbies for a look round and coffee. Didn't spot anything that I wanted to buy actually, and it is too early for the spring bulbs, even though they had plenty out. Beautiful bowls of primroses, and spring flowers, but I think there still might be frosts so so will leave them for a while. Maybe the end of the month.
VT let the ginger girl out this morning when he went for the paper, and she showed up just after we returned home. She hears the car drive up, and sits waiting to be let in.
My orchid plant is still in beautiful bloom. It flowered on the 1st of december, and here we are on the 1st of February and it is still flowering. What a star.And the colours are as bright as they were on the first day of flowering. That was a good buy. VT bought it for me on my birthday July18th a year aned a half ago. he did repot it in orchid compost, and given it some tlc, and i expected it to flower on or around July again, but no, it waited until December. the snows were on the ground and it decided to flower!! Unbelievable.
Tonight we are having:
Toad in the hole and mushroom gravy,
Carrots and mashed potatoes.8oz.
1 comment:
what a beautiful colour your orchid is. I just planted some chillie seeds today (two pots for £1.49) and as I'm not particulary green fingered!! we'll see what happens :))
55 wow that is young - don't worry about not knowing what to say - just being there is so important and says more than words ever can.
I'm off, again, tomorrow on a Chaplaincy course so my big handbag is nearly packed with all the items I require - notepad, pens, Bible, etc etc etc but I must remember to pack a mug in my case as you only get tiny cups in the room with the tea making facilities..
Take care, Judyx
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