So you are aware that she is there.The only trouble is that if you go back to sleep that is it for the next couple of hours.
Left the house at nine and VT went down the motorway to the Kirkby slip road, and then along to Aintree. We avoided all the traffic that way, and were there by twenty five past nine. great going. Parked on nearly the top level of the multi storey and got to my appointment early. Quick sight test, and eye drops put in, then along to wait. Saw the Dr in about ten minutes or so, and he says the eyes are stable, but i probably need newer bifocals to help with reading. Return visit in four months. So that was it, out by the new walkway straight to the car park and off to Sainsburys for our shopping.
Car Park of Sainsburys for our coffee. VT does a lovely line in car coffees, and then into the store for our weekend things. The only trouble was that because I had the eye drops done, I couldn't see a thing, and everything is a white blur. VT is very good though, he gets the right stuff.Arrived home at about twelve fifteen to the little ginger cat greeting his car. It's amazing that cat,the minute his car draws up it comes out to greet him. Doesn't do that for anyone else. They are getting quite bonded thoise two, I wonder what will happen to her?
He was nodding off after lunch, says he feel like he has got jet lag! it's the difference in the routine I suppose.
Tonight we are having:
Savoury vegetable pasties from Waitrose,
Rice pudding to go with.
1 comment:
Hi Jenny - we both have blogged about Cats today!! my word what a little darling your one is :)) They are such wonderful company and great to watch..
Nigel and Karl are out this evening so it is just me and the cats and its lovely to have them curled up by me whilst I'm on the computer.
Hope your eyes get sorted out soon.. take care, Judyx
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