Monday, 14 February 2011

Valentine's Day..

Come round quickly after Christmas. Also the start of the kids half term. which usually means we stop in a bit more to avoid the extra people! VT went out to Crosby yesterday to get a few things, so he got some veggies, just carrots and green beans, so that we didn't have to go out today. My plan was to use up some things from our stuffed up freezer this week, so wanted to avoid getting more stock up items.
We made a big batch of tomato sauce for the pizzas this morning, and this will be frozen in small tubs for each week. It usually lasts for months, VT reckons we will have enough to last to May!! We got some really good tinned tomatoes from Morrisons last week, on a buy one get two free offer, worked out at about 33p a tin, and they are beautiful toimatoes. Very thick juice so have done quite quickly. We add a bit of sugar, some boillon powder, seasoning, onion garlic puree and mixed herbs, then simmer the lot down for ages till it goes thick. Makes a beautiful sauce, and it costs a fortune to buy these days.
We did a load of clearing up after that, while watching the sauce. It's amazing where all the papers and magazines come from in our house.Looks a lot tidier now. One of the things that you notice when you finish work is that you tend to leave things lying around much more than when you are working. We tend to have big clear ups, then it is straight for a bit, then gradually gets untidy again.
When you catch sight of these property shows, it always amazes me the houses a clutter freem no-one ever has an untidy room anywhere. never a newspaper lying round, or a magazine or book.Where do they put it all??
My house is just lived in!!!
Tonight we are having:
Potato croquettes - from the freezer
Cheese and leek escalope - from the freezer
Cauliflower gratin - I made a while ago and froze,
Mushroom baked and left from last nights pizza.

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