Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Big Hunt!!!

When I went to the hospital yesterday, unfortunately I lost an earring. One of a new pair that I had only received a few days ago. Wasn''t best pleased so decided to return them to the QVC company. Problem...could I find the receipt with the return label on it..No I couldn't. So the big hunt started this morning..I looked everywhere that I normally put receipts from them. Found every single one, except the one that I needed.. Looked in things, under things, on top of things..no joy at all. VT was getting grumpier by the minute as he does, because of course he can turn his hand to any receipt since the year dot..no kidding! It's amazing how many places that you can put things, I can only assume that it has been thrown out accidentally. Said countless prayers to St. Anthony but even that didn't work..
St Anthony, St Anthony there's a good man,
Please find me my .... as quick as you can...
Usually works..always did when I was young..and older. But not this time..maybe I aint holy enough now!
Anyway, sent an email to the firm, who replied within the morning, and they are sending me a returns label, so no problem now. What a good firm.
VT nipped into Crosby this morning to get some of his QT,,thank goodness, I hate doing teabags..hate the smell of them. At least that got him out of the way for a little bit. He was in the garden this afternoon while there was some sun, it had been raining earlier, funny day weatherwise, very mixed.
Tonight we are having:
Escalope with mozzarella and pesto
Squashed potatoes
Mixed vegetabless
Mushroom sauce.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh I sympathize with you - Nigel is just the same has every receipt in a neat order in a box - me, well I always intend to put them away safely then I think I've put them away safely - trouble is, like you, can't remember where 'safely' is!! LOL