When Vin came into the bedroom last night he said what's that damp patch on the wall over the chimney breast? Well i can't see any damp patch, but given the state of my dodgy eyes, that's not surprising. Anyway he started investigating, which meant a lok up in the loft which wasn't easy because our ladders aren't high enough to enable him to get up there. So, he debated what it could be, and came up with a number of possibilities such as the thermostat which had gone wrong causing an overflow etc. He eventually settled down and started again in the morning. He borrowed some better ladders from a neighbour two doors down and had a look again. Still not sure, but he asked the lady in the shop down the road if she could recommend a plumber which she did. You hear such terrible tales about plumbers these days, but this man is local, and he is coming to have a look tomorrow afternoon. Meanwhile my nice laura Ashley wallpaper which has been on the bedroom wall for years Vin reckns has had it now. So we will have to do that later as a project.
Jane sent me an email of her in a mexican hat... She is growing up nicely..

Very odd day weatherwise, sunny, dull, sunny, dull, a bit of a drizzle, sunny then dull..Vin hang the washing out but had to bring it in again twice. real Pain. At the moment it is dazzling bright sunshine..you just don't know where you are.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with portobello mushrooms courgettes peppers and pineapple.
Egg and potato salad
Potato salad for moi and rice salad for VT.
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