Saturday, 11 June 2011

It's The Weekend Again..

They seem to come round with a monotonous regularity. Saturdays and Sundays are just another two days now. It used to be that the weekends were special. Days of rest and relaxation, or for doing catch up houseworky things. This is all spread out through the week now though so not concentrated to the weekend days alone.
VT is in the garden with his cup of tea, and the sun is out a bit. He went to get some petrol this morning, and ended up in Maghull, where he said it was a bit rainy, but it didn't last. There is an animal rescue stall in the town square each week, and quite a while ago now he told me of a lovely little kitten with big huge eyes and a collar that stuck out of the side of its head. Sounded gorgeous, and it's been there ages. Anyway, he said today that the picture had gone so it must have found a home. They do a terrific job these animal rescue centres. We got all of our cats from them. Bobby and Rusty from the Freshfiels one in Ince Blundell, which has been going for years. We always make sure that we give our secondhand books to them, so at least we do our bit. Just given three carrier bags to them after our clear out, so that should give them a bit of money.
VT was listening to the radio last night as he does most evenings, and occasionally he tells me of something he has heard, maybe on the news or on one of the talk programmes he listens to. Anyway, last night the subject apparently was funny names for pairs of people, and he said someone had rung up to suggest.."Noddy Clegg and Big Ears Osborne", really made me laugh, and woke me up somewhat..had this image of the two of them as Noddy and Big Ears!! Still chuckling now..just caught my fancy that one.
Tonight we are having:
Chinese Spring Rolls,
Fried rice 1/2 a packet
Stir fry mushoom vegetables
Plum and ginger sauce.

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