Sunday, 19 June 2011

Oh Dear!!!

Had a bit of a catastrophe yesterday. I thought i would play about with the colour of the heading.."A Veggie Life etc" because I wanted just a different colour to the bacxkground. So, i clicked a few buttons here and there, and ended up, to cut a long story short with a post that had tiny writing that I couldn't see and a totally different layout to what I wanted.
Now, all I really wanted to do was unscramble it all, but I suppose like eggs it cannot be done. I was stuck wioth it. All i wanted was it to go back to where it had been. Shouldn't have started fiddling with it in the first place.
I look at some blogs, and wonder at the marvels of technology that they use. beautiful backgrounds and pictures, and they evolve quite often into a different world. I am so envious really of the progress that has been made in technology, and sometimes think our generation has been left behind. The young ones seem to find it all so just press this here and move that there and Hey Presto it is done.I just have to face it...I'm a techno thickie. I would have been in the remedial class for this subject, that's for sure.
Anyway, Vin went out this morning to get some stuff in crosby, so I sat down, and managed to get a bit of semblance back to it, and at least I have a font size that I can read now.
Quite a nice sunny day today, it was a bit breezy but stayed bright throughout. Looking good for the tennis tomorrow. We did all the crosswords after lunch,actually completed them really quite quickly today. The odd one needing to be looked up on the internet. Who wrote Psycho? and a novel by Evelyn Waugh..(3,3,4,5,)? I knew brideshead revisited but nothing more by him. I do like doing general knowledge crosswords though they are always interesting.

Tonight we are having:
Pizza. Vin is doing a different one today, with mini portobello mushrooms, pesto and a small amount of cheese.
Egg and potato salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes
potato salad for moi and a pasta salad for him.

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