Monday, 27 June 2011

Twas on a Monday morning....

The plumber came to call...Well the afternoon really. When Vin rang him up yesterday he said he could be there aftert two and he was, arriving about half past. he had a look up in the loft, and diagnosed a faulty ball cock, so he went off to get one, and came back in a very short while to fit it. What is better, is that he only charged £35!!!! which considering the horror stories you hear on theTV shows like Watchdog is a baby miracle.Vin said he got a lot of free advice while he was up in the loft too so well done Mr Plumber. And, well done the lady in the shop who recommended him.
We were awake early this morning and for once the cats weren't stomping all over us..I think the sun streaming through our not very thick curtains was the problem. We really will have to get some thicker ones sometime.
So, we went to Sainsburys for our weekly veg and stuff, 1/2 an hour free parking, and you can just about get round if the checkout queues aren't too long which they usually aren't. Home to wait for the plumber.
Vin got up into the loft before he came and came down with about three bin bags of assorted rubbish including newspapers from 1955!!!Buy your wife a new vacuum cleaner for only 99shillings and sixpence!! That was quite dear then it seems to me.
Watched a bit of the tennis at lunchtime, Serena Williams went out to a french girl bertolli..sounds more like an Italian pasta sauce, and Andy Murray won his match in three sets. I do feel for anyone who plays against him, they have to play the crowd as well. Prince William and Kate were there looking as if they were enjoying it, his mother was a big tennis fan and was often seen in the Royal Box. Unbelievably she would have been 50 on the 1st of July. I bet she would have loved her son's choice opf bride.

Tonight we are having:
broccoli amd cheese escalope
baby jersey Royals (can't be many more of those yet?)
Mixed vegetables and hollandaise sauce.

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