Thursday, 2 June 2011

A Long Journey...

Begins with a small step as the Chinese say..
I am married to a hoarder..he collects everything, and finds it very difficult to throw things away. We have a small three bedroomed terraced house, and the third bedroom, or small back bedroom many years ago became a study. It had been somewhat of a junk room, with a bed in there that was always covered with...stuff! so we took out the bed and put a desk in there. I used it for my st=udying when I did my Open University degree, and VT took it over when he went to the Liverpool Poly to do his Economics degree. Bit of a mistake really, since it became "his" room, he has... well tended to fill it with his posessions. I went in there last night, which is something I rarely do, and we had well...a discussion about it last night.
So, this morning he set about clearing it out. I do have to say he has made a valiant effort to start sorting it out, we have a bit of a pathway into the room now!!
I did my bit, sorting out an absolute load of books that I had in the bedroom, I now have three carrier bags full to take to the charity shop, and another to give to our neighbour next door to see if she wants them. We usually catch a property show or two during the week, and the houses are always so immaculate. Where do people put their junk..papers? magazines? documents? things that are useful, or m,ight be some day? They are always so pristine.Never anything out of place. Maybe everything is collected and put into storage? I wonder...
Tonight we are having:
Pasta, maybe a light sort of macaroni cheese,
Green veggies to go with
A little bit of garlic bread.

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