Monday 23 July 2012

Cat Story..

Vin told me about this at bedtime last night. he had seen it on the AOL news section. It was the story of a cat who had been lost in the Miami Alligaator Alley area of Florida. Apparently the cat's family had been involved in a collision with a SUV and had gone off the road and were badly injured. The cat basket flew out of the van in the impact and the cat had obviously got out. The family and a baby were taken to hospital, and a notice was placed on Facebook and on craigslist about the missing cat, and some animal rescue sites also. Some people from the local area and the animal rescue turned out to look for it, and one couple saw the skid marks of where the van had crashed and there sitting by the side of the road probably for two days was Sammy the cat. The woman called its name softly and put out some food and it came to her, she said it was almost like it had been waiting for them. So the family was reunited with their 12 year old cat. Aaah! not only that, but the woman's wheelchair was destroyed in the crash so the locals bought her a new one. What a nice story to start the day. Renews your faith in humankind really. Quiet day today, Vin went out to Crosby Sainsburys to get quite a big shop since we had run out of things. We needed the veggies for the week also, so the fridge is stocked up again.Did very well and got some things that were on offer too, so he is learning to live outside of the list!!Haha. He is presently in the garden trying to keep Bobby well brushed. It's a bit of an up hill battle though, and she is shedding loads of white hairs everywhere.Must be the late spring moulting season!! Still quite nice today, makes a change from all the rain anyway, but it's gone a bit breezy now still sunny though. Tonight we are having: The other half of the pizza we had last night, Egg and potato salad with avocado Potato salad for moi and rice salad for Vin..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what a lovely, touching story :))

take care, Judyxx