Awoke this morning to a not too bad day. it was a bit overcast, but not wet, and a bit of a breeze in the trees outside the bedroom window. Ah But! as the mortning went on it got worse, and became really quite windy.We went off to Tesco this morning, mainly because we had a voucher for £6 off £40..which is a god discount. Whenb we got there it was actually very blowy and you had to hold on to the car door otherwise it would have gone into the next car. Whizzed round quite quickly we had a bit of a list but did see some other things to make up the amount we needed. Including a very naughty box of Green and Blacks small chocolate bars that should have beenm £7 for £2.50. Well you can't turn down a bargain like that. Spotted a few kids running round..bad sign means that it is half term looming!
The sun has just come out now as I am typing this ..What a country! The news on the radio was just reporting that there are 22 high alert flood warnings in place in the country and storm waarnings to come. 16.000 homes without fun for them in this cold weather. yet on the other side of the world it is blazing hot with forest fires in Adelaide..some of them deliberate. What on earth is in the heads of people to do that, causing injury to people and animals and property Beyond me!
Tonight we are having:
Quorn sausage roll
Chips 200 grms
Asparagus and green beans for moi and baked beans for Vin.
Friday, 14 February 2014
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Absolutely terrible weather last night and afternoon. The wind was howling and gusting and it was unsettling and a bit scary really. nothing has blown over though or down (touch wood)but the windows are covered with a sort of salt spray now. Still a bit blowy today but has gone down a lot. i wonder what the rest of the month will bring!
I didn't go out today but Vin went off to Formby to get some firewood. He has a source of free timber which is very good for lighting the fire. So he went off mid morning but came back for his coffee though.
There was a hilarious item on the Jeremy Vine show this morning about Waitrose peop,le who go in for free coffees or teas and "lower the tone" of the supermarket. Regular shoppers aren't pleased, they say that people like Tesco shoppers go in for their coffees and so lower the tone of the upmarket shop! So snobby..One man rang up to say that his Waitrose had put a bench in their entrance hall and the older people are sitting there with their coffees and blocking it up. He has to push past with his trolley and keep saying excuse me because they can't hear him!!!!!!! What a prat!!Maybe we will take our Tesco bags to Waitrose tomorrow.
Tonight we are having:
Escalope with gruyere cheese
Mushroom sauce
Baby potatoes sliced and sauteed
mixed green veggies.
I didn't go out today but Vin went off to Formby to get some firewood. He has a source of free timber which is very good for lighting the fire. So he went off mid morning but came back for his coffee though.
There was a hilarious item on the Jeremy Vine show this morning about Waitrose peop,le who go in for free coffees or teas and "lower the tone" of the supermarket. Regular shoppers aren't pleased, they say that people like Tesco shoppers go in for their coffees and so lower the tone of the upmarket shop! So snobby..One man rang up to say that his Waitrose had put a bench in their entrance hall and the older people are sitting there with their coffees and blocking it up. He has to push past with his trolley and keep saying excuse me because they can't hear him!!!!!!! What a prat!!Maybe we will take our Tesco bags to Waitrose tomorrow.
Tonight we are having:
Escalope with gruyere cheese
Mushroom sauce
Baby potatoes sliced and sauteed
mixed green veggies.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Change of Plan..
Well we had planned to go out today somewhere today, to do a bit of mooching and gaet a coffee somewhere. However we awoke this morning to a very blowy sky full of something, which later turned out to be rain. So, we didn't bother. There was a great big pile of ironing so decided to do that instead. How exciting! Still if it wasn't done today it would have to be done tomorrow so nothing lost.
The weather on the news does look absolutely awful down South. There are currently pictures of the Dorset Cobb with great huge waves lashing it, quite scary. What price homes on the coast now I wonder!
Funny today. No post for us..apart from an advertising leaflet..but little Rusty got a letter! addressed to Miss Rusty M...... It was a nice free sample of Go Cat biscuits just for her. No idea where that came from, maybe a survey I had done or filled in. Fancy a little cat getting more mail than we did!
Very Important cat! Nice of Go cat to send her a free sample eh!
Just said on the news that the weather forecast people have issued a weather high alert warning about 100 miles per hour gales in North Wales and the North West. Don't go out unless you have to. Good plan.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta bake with a cheese sauce,
mixed veagetables.
A bit of garlic bread for Vin.
The weather on the news does look absolutely awful down South. There are currently pictures of the Dorset Cobb with great huge waves lashing it, quite scary. What price homes on the coast now I wonder!
Funny today. No post for us..apart from an advertising leaflet..but little Rusty got a letter! addressed to Miss Rusty M...... It was a nice free sample of Go Cat biscuits just for her. No idea where that came from, maybe a survey I had done or filled in. Fancy a little cat getting more mail than we did!
Very Important cat! Nice of Go cat to send her a free sample eh!
Just said on the news that the weather forecast people have issued a weather high alert warning about 100 miles per hour gales in North Wales and the North West. Don't go out unless you have to. Good plan.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta bake with a cheese sauce,
mixed veagetables.
A bit of garlic bread for Vin.
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Toothie Pegs!
Today it was Vin who had the appointment, at the dentist.11 O'Clock this morning, so it was up earlyish and he went about ten thirty. He was having a filling done, quite a big one so his mouth would be numbed.
Washing day today as well and change of the bedding, so enough going on today really.
Vin came back after he had been to the dentist, and his mouth was all numb. he said he couldn't drink or eat for an hour and a half, but he would do a coffee for me..Aaaah..what sacrifice. Anyway in the end he made himself a Latte in a mug, let it cool and drank it via a spoon. Aaah ! Bless him. Soup for his lunch and he was alright with that.
Still terrible flooding down South. This time it is round the Thames area, and it is very obvious now that they are getting the help. The pooor people of Somerset haven't had anything done for them, most of what they have done they have done themselves. There was a woman on the Jeremy Vine show this nmorning saying that they have helped themselves really, and she couldn't watch what was going on in the Thames area because all the help seemed to be going to them. Troops everywhere yet the Somerset people had 17 marines for one night !!!! David Cameron is doing his usual shouting thing, and saying that "Now isn't the time to point the finger of blameat anyone" !!! Typical..spin doctor speak.
Said n the news that Shirley Temple had died aged 85, she has had a remarkable career starting when she was three, and getting an Oscar when she was six! gave up at 22 and went into politics, which she did for many years. Quite an icon.
Tonight we are having:
Lemon and black pepper escalope,
Bread sauce,
Potato croquettes or baby potatoes baked
Mixed vegetables.
Just turned round and looked out of the window, to see a massive great hail stones storm blowing in.Absolutely terrible. What a country..what is going on here and everywhere!!
Washing day today as well and change of the bedding, so enough going on today really.
Vin came back after he had been to the dentist, and his mouth was all numb. he said he couldn't drink or eat for an hour and a half, but he would do a coffee for me..Aaaah..what sacrifice. Anyway in the end he made himself a Latte in a mug, let it cool and drank it via a spoon. Aaah ! Bless him. Soup for his lunch and he was alright with that.
Still terrible flooding down South. This time it is round the Thames area, and it is very obvious now that they are getting the help. The pooor people of Somerset haven't had anything done for them, most of what they have done they have done themselves. There was a woman on the Jeremy Vine show this nmorning saying that they have helped themselves really, and she couldn't watch what was going on in the Thames area because all the help seemed to be going to them. Troops everywhere yet the Somerset people had 17 marines for one night !!!! David Cameron is doing his usual shouting thing, and saying that "Now isn't the time to point the finger of blameat anyone" !!! Typical..spin doctor speak.
Said n the news that Shirley Temple had died aged 85, she has had a remarkable career starting when she was three, and getting an Oscar when she was six! gave up at 22 and went into politics, which she did for many years. Quite an icon.
Tonight we are having:
Lemon and black pepper escalope,
Bread sauce,
Potato croquettes or baby potatoes baked
Mixed vegetables.
Just turned round and looked out of the window, to see a massive great hail stones storm blowing in.Absolutely terrible. What a country..what is going on here and everywhere!!
Monday, 10 February 2014
Quick Visit..
Off out this morning to Crosby to get our veggies from Sainsbury's for a change. To be honest I'm not that keen on going there because you only get 1/2 hour free parking then you have to pay, which is a bit of a cheek really.So, it means that you have to rush round a buit really, and you don't have time to browse, but if it a quick shop you want it's ok. Well that is what we wanted today really, just the veggies for the week. They do have a decent selection so got enough to last for the rest of the week.
Vin is off to the dentist tomorrow morning at 11 O'Clock so we won't be doing anything then. Poor boy
he will have numb gums for a whie I should think after that. Then he has two more, next week I think. Coffee at home today, I had a nice Cafe Intenso which is quite a strong black and Vin had a very nice looking Gapuccino with a heart shape on the top. in view of it being Valentine's week.
Little Rusty is looking a lot better at the moment (touch wood) I wonder why we say that? She seems to be quite perky at the moment, in fact Vin said she was out in the garden with her having a play which is lovely.
I hate it when she is under the weather, and they are very good with her at the vets.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese and pepper for Vin
Green salad with avocado and baby yellow plum tomatoes
Potato salad for moi and celery fruit and nut for Vin.
Vin is off to the dentist tomorrow morning at 11 O'Clock so we won't be doing anything then. Poor boy
he will have numb gums for a whie I should think after that. Then he has two more, next week I think. Coffee at home today, I had a nice Cafe Intenso which is quite a strong black and Vin had a very nice looking Gapuccino with a heart shape on the top. in view of it being Valentine's week.
I hate it when she is under the weather, and they are very good with her at the vets.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese and pepper for Vin
Green salad with avocado and baby yellow plum tomatoes
Potato salad for moi and celery fruit and nut for Vin.
Friday, 7 February 2014
Well that was a Change..
Normally on a Friday we go out to get our weekend things. Today was a bit different however.
Started with Vin going off to a dental appointment, he went early for his 11 O'Clock appointment. I stayed here in case the engineer from Sky came to do our new Sky dish. The one the other day..Kevin couldn't do anything because it was too windy and they don't do roofs in the wind. Understandable. This one was supposed to come between 11.30 and i O'Clock. so I had to stop in in case he came early. Vin rang up about 11.20 all finished and back at his car ready to come home, no sign of Darren the Sky man.
In the event he arrived at a quarter to one,had a look at the problem and said he couldn't put the new dish on the chimney stack where the other one is because it wasn't safe, so we had two was to put it on the front of the house. Absolutely no chance now way Jose as they say..imagine a row of nice little terraced houses and one with a sattelite dish slap bang in the middle of one. Haha ! No thanks. So it was decided that it would go on the back of the house and that's what he did. It is now on a pole over the bathroom and looks fine there. You can't see it really.
Vin had his teeth checked by a dentist he hadn't seen before, a middle aged lady one who is going to replace three fillings, one next week.That will cost about £68 ! but he will get that back from the Medicash to which we both belong. Excellent scheme, you are covered for glasses, dental treatment, stays in hospital etc., and it doesn't cost much to be in it. Well worth it. I joined when I first started teaching with a group school subscription and Vin joined with his work I think.
So tomorrow we will have to go out to get our weekend things, that will make a change since we avoid going out on a Saturday.
Tonight we are having:
CDheese and onion pasties from Waitrose,
carrots for Vin and green beans for moi
Rice pudding from Waitrose.
Started with Vin going off to a dental appointment, he went early for his 11 O'Clock appointment. I stayed here in case the engineer from Sky came to do our new Sky dish. The one the other day..Kevin couldn't do anything because it was too windy and they don't do roofs in the wind. Understandable. This one was supposed to come between 11.30 and i O'Clock. so I had to stop in in case he came early. Vin rang up about 11.20 all finished and back at his car ready to come home, no sign of Darren the Sky man.
In the event he arrived at a quarter to one,had a look at the problem and said he couldn't put the new dish on the chimney stack where the other one is because it wasn't safe, so we had two was to put it on the front of the house. Absolutely no chance now way Jose as they say..imagine a row of nice little terraced houses and one with a sattelite dish slap bang in the middle of one. Haha ! No thanks. So it was decided that it would go on the back of the house and that's what he did. It is now on a pole over the bathroom and looks fine there. You can't see it really.
Vin had his teeth checked by a dentist he hadn't seen before, a middle aged lady one who is going to replace three fillings, one next week.That will cost about £68 ! but he will get that back from the Medicash to which we both belong. Excellent scheme, you are covered for glasses, dental treatment, stays in hospital etc., and it doesn't cost much to be in it. Well worth it. I joined when I first started teaching with a group school subscription and Vin joined with his work I think.
So tomorrow we will have to go out to get our weekend things, that will make a change since we avoid going out on a Saturday.
Tonight we are having:
CDheese and onion pasties from Waitrose,
carrots for Vin and green beans for moi
Rice pudding from Waitrose.
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Nice Change...
Well we did have a bit of a change this morning. I needed one of my loaves for my lunch the gluten free type, we had totally run out, so we were going to Formby to get one. Vin had a free £5 for the Cafe Nero chain, and there is one in Formby village opposite the Costa coffee shop funnily enough. Also we had bought some potatoes the other day from M&S that smelt terrible when we opened the bag, and still tasted terrible when they were cooked, so he said he'd take them back to the M&S in Formby. I wanted a few things from Superdrug so that was a plan.
We have to stop in tomorrow for the engineer from Sky to fit a new sattelite dish, so off we went to Formby. Parked in the Waitrose car park and walked to the village. Quite quiet actually. I had a mooch in Superdrug and Vin went off to M&S.Met up outside and he had changed them or rather got his money back and I had got my stuff from Superdrug.. Then off to Cafe Nero. He gets the coffees and I find a was really quiet and got a lovely table at the back with a comfortable seat. I had an Americano and he had a Soya milk latte, and we shared a pack of shortbread biscuits. That still left change from the £5 card of about 30p., and he got a card stamped with five stamps so the next two visits you would get a free coffee!!! We are definitely getting the hang of this. The card came from the Daily enter the mumbers on the back of the paper every day and at the weekend and they add up very quickly and you get vouchers. We have a number of Tesco ones that we buy Coasta cards with and this one Cafe Nero one.
After all that we had to go back to M&S to get my loaf because we had forgotten it, then home fairly early.
It was being reported on the news today that William Roache was found Not Guilty of all charges by the jury and totally cleared. Very pleased about that. Never ever thought he was guilty of anything improper, he must be worn out the poor man. One of the wonderful things about the case throughout the three week trial has been the way his family have stuck by him every day walking in to court in a resolute line of family members. I'm really pleased for him.
Tonight we are having:
Mac and cheese with mushrooms
Carrots and asparagus,
A bit of garlic bread for Vin.
We have to stop in tomorrow for the engineer from Sky to fit a new sattelite dish, so off we went to Formby. Parked in the Waitrose car park and walked to the village. Quite quiet actually. I had a mooch in Superdrug and Vin went off to M&S.Met up outside and he had changed them or rather got his money back and I had got my stuff from Superdrug.. Then off to Cafe Nero. He gets the coffees and I find a was really quiet and got a lovely table at the back with a comfortable seat. I had an Americano and he had a Soya milk latte, and we shared a pack of shortbread biscuits. That still left change from the £5 card of about 30p., and he got a card stamped with five stamps so the next two visits you would get a free coffee!!! We are definitely getting the hang of this. The card came from the Daily enter the mumbers on the back of the paper every day and at the weekend and they add up very quickly and you get vouchers. We have a number of Tesco ones that we buy Coasta cards with and this one Cafe Nero one.
After all that we had to go back to M&S to get my loaf because we had forgotten it, then home fairly early.
It was being reported on the news today that William Roache was found Not Guilty of all charges by the jury and totally cleared. Very pleased about that. Never ever thought he was guilty of anything improper, he must be worn out the poor man. One of the wonderful things about the case throughout the three week trial has been the way his family have stuck by him every day walking in to court in a resolute line of family members. I'm really pleased for him.
Tonight we are having:
Mac and cheese with mushrooms
Carrots and asparagus,
A bit of garlic bread for Vin.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Vin and I were talking this morning, and he mentioned that he had seen an article about Wilson keppel and Betty in the paper. Well he knew that I had seen them at "The Garrick" theatre in Southport many moons ago when I was young, in pantomime with my mother. So out of interest I googled them online and the Wiki site had quite a bit about them, and Youtube had some videos too. One of them Jack Wilson was born in Liverpool in 1897 I think it was, and emigrated to the USA, then went to Australia and eventually teamed up with keppel to make a music hall act. betty watched in the wings apparently, and turns out there were lots of Betty's. The first one left the act and became a war correspondent. Really interesting bits of information you can get from the tinternet !
We were in today, waiting for Kevin the Sky engineer to arrive, which he did at about twelveish. He said we needed a new Sky dish, the Sky box was fine, but it was too blowy for him tto go up on the roof...fair enough..and he would ring Sky to arrange another visit. He did and we had another appointment for Friday so just have to hope that the wind settles down before then. Email has followed stating that an engineer will come between 8 and 5 on friday. Vin has a dental appointment on Friday at 11.30 so someone will have to stop in. Guess who?
So in the end it turned out to be quite a busy week, my chiropody yesterday,Sky man today and another on friday plus a dental appointment.
Tonight we are having:
Pastra with a cheese sauce,
Mushrooms and asparagus
A bit of garlic bread for Vin.
We were in today, waiting for Kevin the Sky engineer to arrive, which he did at about twelveish. He said we needed a new Sky dish, the Sky box was fine, but it was too blowy for him tto go up on the roof...fair enough..and he would ring Sky to arrange another visit. He did and we had another appointment for Friday so just have to hope that the wind settles down before then. Email has followed stating that an engineer will come between 8 and 5 on friday. Vin has a dental appointment on Friday at 11.30 so someone will have to stop in. Guess who?
So in the end it turned out to be quite a busy week, my chiropody yesterday,Sky man today and another on friday plus a dental appointment.
Tonight we are having:
Pastra with a cheese sauce,
Mushrooms and asparagus
A bit of garlic bread for Vin.
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Best Foot Forward.,
Tootsie day today ! Theappointment was for 9.30 at the netherton Clinic so we had to be up earlyish this morning.
It was at the Podiatry (Chiropody) clinic and haven't been there for ages but the Diabetic nursey over at the GPs got me last time I went, and did a referral so I was caught.
Anyway got there on time as always..we are never late for anything actually I hate being late, and parked at the front. Waited only a few minutes and the lady called me through. She took details, explained what she was going to do and gave me a "treatment plan" Oooh posh ! She checked my pulses, tested for feeling (none) and clipped my nails. I did ask whether they did nail varnish as well but they don't unfortunately !! :) I got my very pair of nail clippers !! not for me to use but to take with me every time I go for a chiropody appointment. She is sending my notes to the Thornton clinic which is great because that is only ten mins from home and to go in about two months. Sorted.
Since we were early we had decided to go over to Aintree to the M&S there to get our veggies for the week. Great is usually heaving but we parked right outside and were there for 10.15 ish. I had a mooch round the store, and Vin went along to Halfords..he had a card for there he wanted to use up, so he got some screen wash, batteries and some reduced ear phones, so he was pleased. I didn't see anything I wanted to buy except for a little bracelet all shiny but Vin caught me up and said I don't like that so I didn't get it. He's probably right actually, it wasn't very well made. Had a look round upstairs then went for our coffee, very early for us..only around eleven fifteen! I had an Americano and Vin had a flat white. Lovely. He had seen a pair of trousers for £4.99 which were really nice in Teal, but were too long but he decided to go and get them anyway and turn the hems up. I bought a lippy and that was it for moi.
Downstairs for our veggies, had a good look round it wasn't too busy, then home by about a quarter to one. Nice little trip out really.
Tonight we are having:
Broccoli and cheese escalope
Baby baked potatoes
Mixed vegetables with a hollandaise sauce
Cranberry sauce.
It was at the Podiatry (Chiropody) clinic and haven't been there for ages but the Diabetic nursey over at the GPs got me last time I went, and did a referral so I was caught.
Anyway got there on time as always..we are never late for anything actually I hate being late, and parked at the front. Waited only a few minutes and the lady called me through. She took details, explained what she was going to do and gave me a "treatment plan" Oooh posh ! She checked my pulses, tested for feeling (none) and clipped my nails. I did ask whether they did nail varnish as well but they don't unfortunately !! :) I got my very pair of nail clippers !! not for me to use but to take with me every time I go for a chiropody appointment. She is sending my notes to the Thornton clinic which is great because that is only ten mins from home and to go in about two months. Sorted.
Since we were early we had decided to go over to Aintree to the M&S there to get our veggies for the week. Great is usually heaving but we parked right outside and were there for 10.15 ish. I had a mooch round the store, and Vin went along to Halfords..he had a card for there he wanted to use up, so he got some screen wash, batteries and some reduced ear phones, so he was pleased. I didn't see anything I wanted to buy except for a little bracelet all shiny but Vin caught me up and said I don't like that so I didn't get it. He's probably right actually, it wasn't very well made. Had a look round upstairs then went for our coffee, very early for us..only around eleven fifteen! I had an Americano and Vin had a flat white. Lovely. He had seen a pair of trousers for £4.99 which were really nice in Teal, but were too long but he decided to go and get them anyway and turn the hems up. I bought a lippy and that was it for moi.
Downstairs for our veggies, had a good look round it wasn't too busy, then home by about a quarter to one. Nice little trip out really.
Tonight we are having:
Broccoli and cheese escalope
Baby baked potatoes
Mixed vegetables with a hollandaise sauce
Cranberry sauce.
Monday, 3 February 2014
L'Occitane Luxury !!
Short and sweet today because I have run out of time. had a long luxurious bath this afternoon. My book..well Kindle being very careful not to drop it in the bath !!! my candles Yankee candles of course, my tiny little bar of Toblerone chocolate dark and my my L'Occitane lemon Verbena bath foam which is pure luxury.
Total Bliss. XXX
Didn't go out today because we are going out early tomorrow. I have a chiropody/podiatry appointment tomorrow at I wanted to soak my feet anyway. Vin has been clearing round the television because there is an engineer coming on Wednesday to fix whatever is wrong with the sattelite channel. He eventually got through to Sky and for a flat fee of £65 an engineer will come out and fix the problem.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with cheese and mushrooms
Green salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes
Potato salad for moi and pasta for Vin.
Total Bliss. XXX
Didn't go out today because we are going out early tomorrow. I have a chiropody/podiatry appointment tomorrow at I wanted to soak my feet anyway. Vin has been clearing round the television because there is an engineer coming on Wednesday to fix whatever is wrong with the sattelite channel. He eventually got through to Sky and for a flat fee of £65 an engineer will come out and fix the problem.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with cheese and mushrooms
Green salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes
Potato salad for moi and pasta for Vin.
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