Wednesday 25 July 2018


We certainly have had them over the last few weeks. But the brilliant Vin was on the phone this morning to TalkTalk to try and get it sorted.  The upshot of that after a long time on the phone for him was that there was something wrong with the black router box downstairs. They did something at their end and it seems to be fixed. Fingers crossed.  I haven't been able to get on here for a couple of days because it wouldn't let me log on, but hpefully it is right now. 
Jane had her appointment yesterday to get her eye sorted, and they have given her a frosted glass to put over the lens in her glasses so at least she isn't seeing two of everything now. Seems to be a matter of waiting till the botox wears off now which could take three months. Poor Jane. 
Our Jessie slept through it all with blissful ignorance. She seems to be staying indoors out of the sun. She does appear to be wilting a little bit like the rest of us in this heat. We really could do with some rain now, everywhere is looking so dry, and there is I think  there is a hose pipe ban in place because the water in the reservoirs is so low. Doesn't bother Jessie though.  As long as she gets her cream cake she is fine!
Having a sunbathe! 

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