Wednesday 18 July 2018

Happy Birthday To Me !

Made it through another year! 72 of them now, where on Earth did all of those years go.? 
Vin bought me a lovely vanilla candle and a Costa coffee card plus a gorgeous bunch of roses Bless him. Really pleased with those. Even Jessie came up to see me on the bed this morning, or it could have been her daddy, not exactly sure about that!
 Today it was an appointment at the podiatry clinic at two o'clock so we had our coffee at the normal time and then went to get ready. We got there at dead on two and Vin ddropped me off at the side entrance where we usually go, he walks me in and gets the door open for me then off to park the car. I was making my way along the corridor to the reception desk and Helena called my name to go in! Didn't even sit down!  Never gone straight in before.  Vin was quite surprised when he fund me in there already. She redressed my foot then we left for home. I had bought them some little shortbreads and chocolate cookies to have as nibbles to go with their coffees, so gave her them. got a chorus of Happy Birthdays, and smiles. I like happy faces all round.  Since we didn't have to wait we got finished early and were home just after three which was good going. 
Jessie hadn't moved as usual, still in the front room where we left her. Vin said later he would push her outside to get a bit of fresh air, if he is out there she will enjoy that.
Nice out here in the sunshine. 

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