Wednesday 9 April 2008

Furry Purry!

At the time of typing this I have a gorgeous little furry purry on my knee. Little Rusty waits till you sit at the computer then jumps on my knee and stands there purring away and wagging her tail. It is actually quite difficult trying to type round a little cat, but who cares..she is so lovely she can do what she wants. Bobby on the other hand doesn't do that, she just climbs on the bed and finds the most comfortable place..usually right where your feet are then settles down there for the evening! don't move them . George Clooney is all over everywhere at the moment, he was on the news this lunchtime..Gorgeous George is right..Phwaar, he can float my boat anytime... For some reason the thing that does the new paragraphs isn't working, so this will be in a block again. Why don't computers do what you want them to do eh! Tonight we are having: Pasta of some sort with asparagus, broad beans, Spinach sauce and a touch of parmesan cheese.

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