Sunday, 13 April 2008

The Marathon..No not the crosswords!

Watched the runners setting off for the Londfon marathon..gosh I really admire them. Running for all sorts of reasons, very worthwhile. I couldn't ever see myself running all those miles not even for a million! But, well done those who do.
Just finished the crosswords for the day, all three of them and the star celebrity birthday one in the Express..which was Robert Carlyle. Can't be much of a celebrity since VT said "Who's He" !!
Made a lovely Pizza dough in the bread machine this lunch time, which is now resting on the top of the cooker and rising beautifully.
Pizza Dough
1 1/4 cup of flour..mix of strong white and wholemeal
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of dried yeast
just under 1/4 cup of honey
a splash of oil, I use basil oil
3/4 cup of warm water (take care with this and add carefully)
Pinch or two of dried Italian herbs.
Just put everything in the breadmaker on a dough cycle. When it is done take it out and leave to rise until needed.
Use to make your beautiful pizza.

Tonight we are having:
Pizza made with the dough as above,
Tomato sauce
Goats Cheese topping
Salad with avocado pear, baby plum tomatoes and Roasted Vegetables.
Potato and rice salads.

Wonder how Jane is doing these days. it seems that it is so long since we have seen her. We got a glimpse in October when we came back from new England, but not much news since that. I think little Rusty would run a mile if she came home to the house. It must be about two and a half years since she has seen her.
RIP little Pepsi from next door. VT saw Janice this morning and she said that it had died about two weeks ago. It was a beautiful little cat, really friendly and would sit in her front garden or on the back of her sofa. VT had said that he hadn't seen it for a bit, and that's why then
She is in her back garden now, like our two always there in the memory.

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